My January’18 WrapUp - By Kinjal Parekh #MonthlyWrapUp

#WrapUp #MonthlyWrapUp #BrunchBookChallenge

I had decided to read atleast 5 novels this January and I finished 6! I still don’t know what books or how many books I would read this February’18 cause I have my exams but I guess I would read atleast 3/4 books 🤔🙈

Question – Do you decide in advance which book to read or haw many to read in a particular month?? 


Here are the 6 books I read this month (January’18) along with a short review and review links 😀

1. Leap of Faith by Danielle Steel.
I loved the book! It is a very fast paced book with sudden plot twists which is kinds predictable. It touched my heart and made me very emotional at Marie-Ange’s lows.
To read the entire review, click here.

2. Between Verses by Prerna Khatri.
This poetic read was very soothing. The poems spoke volumes and made me remember of all the people I have lost from my life, the heart breaks I have gone through and how restless I feel at those times. This book has made a direct connection with human emotions which people go through at their highs and lows.
To read the entire review, click here.

3. The English Migrant by Connie Edwards.
 This is a very brave book full of wisdom and very nicely Connie Edwards has managed to engage the reader by narration various situations beautifully. In the end, she said, “I broke the chain. I have seen the light.”
To read the entire review, click here.

4. Journey Through Darkness by Salloni Mehta. 
The story line is amazing and had kept me engaged to know what happens next leaving you on the edge of your bed. Also, very nicely the message has been sent on how we mustn’t settle with what we have if we are not happy or satisfied with it and find our happiness with patience.
To read the entire review, click here.

5. Hell! No Saints in Paradise by A.K.Asif.
This book will test your patience. The book is fast paced yet you might feel that the story is going no where. But by the end of the book everything will make sense. Being a very fresh take on such topic, the story is not so predictable. The narrative kept me engaged and the way A.K. Asif have penned down the words gave quite a unique experience to read such a book.
To read the entire review, click here.

6. Men and Dreams in the Dhauladhar by Kochery C. Shibu. 
This book is Kochery C. Shibu’s first book and it is quite impressive and holds Indian essence between the pages. The book formats each chapter in a way as dedicated to each character show casing their past stories. Each character are developed with great care and details by the author.
To read the entire review, click here.

You can read all the reviews here

That was it 😀 Comment below if you have read any of these! Would love to here from you 😀

Much love ❤
