BookReview of The Tree With A Thousand Apples by Sanchit Gupta. Reviewed by Siddhi

Thank you Vinfluencers for sending me a copy of The Tree With A Thousand Apples by Sanchit Gupta.
The last time a book left me thinking was Shashi Deshpande’s A Matter Of Time.

There’s too much to write about this book, The Tree With A Thousand Apples. I am speechless and I am pondering. During the course of reading this book I did get nightmares. This book took to me the Valley that has been burning for decades now. The issue of Kashmir may not be resolved sooner but the lives there are no more humane. People are perceived to be nothing but dirt. The government may have imposed different rules and regulations for the state but that hasn’t helped it either.

Rating: *****
Publishers: Niyogi Books

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